Monday, November 17, 2008

New roof for an old building

Between rain&snow showers Rick and crew have been working on the new gray steel roof, kind of blends into the gray cold Madeline Island fall days.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Slow but steady progress on New Gallery

This week we have had a dramatic change in weather, from 50's to 20's in a week.  We've had freezing rain and some snow but at this time it isn't sticking.... 

Our new double doors arrived and were placed into the new gallery.  We are also using paneling matching the old 1" thick wall boards from our local on the Island saw mill.
Our bathroom is framed in and paneled.

This week we have the new roof and sky light going on and are working on permits for our new pottery deck and our front deck for artists working at the gallery this summer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Remodeling continues...

We have now rough in the restroom and have been insulating the walls and getting the Gallery ready for the winter.  Work will continue through the winter on finishing the space while the outside work will have to stop.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bell Street Gallery goes through a leveling...

So the inside has been stripped to to bones and we're starting to restore and add elements.
This is how much the back of the building had to be raised to make the floor level with the back. Of coarse, it rained while Gary from Grampa Tony's and Chuck Nelson dug and corrected for the years of sinking.
Gabe makes room for a new door with my favorite tool, a chainsaw....
This door will lead to the new deck for pottery and the shed which will be full of "stuff" for kids.

Chuck Nelson had to crawl under the building to jack up the middle of the building.... "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?".

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bell Street Gallery on Madeline Island continues to be demo

Progress this week was a bit slow with issues of getting stuff to the Island.  But we've found hard wood floors on half of the gallery floor and pine planks on the other half.  The walls are covered with 70 year old pine barn boards most in great shape.  We've ordered new beams to run from the top of the walls across the room from a local saw mill.  Next week is raising the floor so it's level, the new metal roof and the sky light replacing the old furnace chimney.

Monday, September 29, 2008

More of the demo

More wall board, carpet, etc.

More Demo of the new gallery

Jim and Beth find newspapers and hard wood floors, great surprise for us, we don't need to carpet the floors.

Jim, Beth, Mary and Steve in the mess we've created and will become the interior of the new gallery.

Demo starts with a little help

Here's Mary and carpenter Ed checking out the interior.
Beth and Jim Ignaut can't wait to rip out the old flooring and find old newspapers from WWII when the building was constructed.

Steve strips the wall of old wall board and finds beautiful barn boards.

Bell Street Gallery

Madeline Island's newest Art Gallery

Mary and Steve McHugh have started working on their new Art Gallery on Madeline Island, Wisconsin.  We closed on the deal to buy our new building on September 25th with the expert assistance of Eric Kodner at Madeline Island Realty.  Here's some of the shots of the building from the outside and the demo process on the inside.